Group Integrated Health Coaching

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What is an Integrated nutrition health coach?

  • We inspire others on their connections with the mind, body and soul.

  • Supporting and empowering individuals wellness transformations.

  • To change people's point of view holistically. With integration nutrition we’ll take into consideration western medicine and apply that to you. Always remembering “bio- individuality” everyone needs will be different when changing to a better lifestyle; so what works for you mom might not work for you. 

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Why hire a health coach?

  • Hear recommendations from a knowledgeable person who will take your day to day life into consideration.

  • Get additional support next to your doctor.

  • Recognize triggers and come up with effective resolutions. 

  • Seeing process within 6 sessions

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Whats included?

  • 7 meal recommendations a week

  • Newsletters

  • Free Grocery Tour

  • 10% Meal Prep when someone signs for a consultation.